Helsinki University of Technology

I am studying in The Laboratory Of Information Processing Science of Helsinki University Of Technology which is located in Finland. As computer science major student I am interested in everything concerning software development.

Pages below do not include all my studies, only those which require participants to write WWW-pages.

WWW-pages for some of the current courses


WWW-pages for some of the finished courses

Tik-110.350 Tietokoneverkot
Some of homeworks have their own WWW-page (in Finnish).
Tik-110.452 Tietojärjestelmien käytännön turvallisuuden erikoiskurssi
The course has also homeworks.
Tik-109/110.300 Tietoliikennearkkitehtuurit
Some of homeworks have their own WWW-page (in Finnish).
Tik-86.125 Human-Computer Interaction (Käyttöliittymät)
Our intention is is to build an user interface to smart card software system during this course. (all texts are in Finnish)

[ $Revision: 1.20 $ | $Date: 1999/02/24 18:28:13 $ ]

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